Message From The Principal
Mr Arvin Bijesh Prasad
Dear parents, teachers and students, I extend a warm welcome to Ba Sanatan College Website. I hope this initiation to website will greatly boost teaching and learning and will enhance Ba Sanatan College’s growth and evolution, enabling it to interface with the networked, efficient and effective digital world.

The goal of this website is to provide a variety of information about Ba Sanatan College’s programs, policies, and activities easily accessible to parents, students, old scholars and our school community. Numerous opportunities are offered to us all through teaching and learning on a number of trifling things that culminate at the end for the production of holistically developed students. Thus, Ba Sanatan College venturing into the digital revolution will transform every aspect of student life.

Our dedicated teachers are always ready to provide each student with a high quality education that is tailored to meet their requirements. It is important to strike balance between academic and extracurricular activities so that students may enjoy their school journey while also assuring their overall growth and readiness for the challenges of the twenty first century. Our school community has a long standing tradition of excellence in academic, athletics, and the arts. The staff of our college always aspire to empower students to become active citizens and lifelong learners in a rapidly evolving global community.

Through this website, the readers will be made to realize the act of school shaping education through digital vision and to move from the traditional way of communicating to the digital system. The present issues concerning behaviour of children through exposure of virtual platforms has been taken into account while compiling this website. I recommend parents and guardians to regularly communicate with their children/ward and to monitor them when using these virtual platforms.

Being proactive will result in the beneficial growth of children. I wish to acknowledge and thank all stakeholders for their participation and partnership in our journey for excellence. I appreciate the dedication and the selfless service of the teachers of the past and the present and wish them all, best of fortune, peace and prosperity for their contribution to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.

“You Bring Your Burning Desire for Education, and We Will Plan a Path and Lead You to Excellence.””
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